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IWCE's Urgent Communications z-all

IWCE’s Urgent Communications is the technology source for the communications technology industry, delivering real-world, practical information needed by dealers, private radio and wireless systems operators and large volume commercial, industrial and public safety communications end-users.

Florida Statutes FL Florida Statutes —a permanent collection of state laws organized by subject area into a code made up of titles, chapters, parts, and sections. The Florida Statutes are updated annually by laws that create, amend, transfer, or repeal statutory material.
Washington DC Requirements DC OUC’s Public Safety In-building Radio Systems Requirements
Campus: The National Center for Campus Public Safety z-all The National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS) exists to support campus officials in creating safer and stronger campus communities. We are a government-funded centralized clearinghouse for the many resources available and initiatives being undertaken nationwide. The relationships we develop with our peers in higher education are invaluable to achieving our mission. We collaborate with campus safety, law enforcement, and emergency management professionals; administrators; students; advocacy organizations; community leaders; professional associations; federal agencies; and others who work tirelessly to support safer campuses.
Recommendations of the Illinois Terrorism Task Force School Safety Working Group IL 13 initial recommendations designed to help make Illinois schools even safer. In light of the tragic shootings at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, as well as other threats and acts of school violence, the working group has initially focused narrowly on the active shooter threat. The School Safety Working Group is composed of local law enforcement professionals, Illinois State Police, the Office of the State Fire Marshal, representatives of campus emergency management, campus police, the school resource officers association and representatives of statewide school associations. Brief bios of the members of the School Safety Working Group are included at the end of this report. There is no single answer to achieving school safety, and no individual has all of the answers, but the bios illustrate the experience and subject-matter expertise that has gone into this report.
Radio Reference z-all is the world's largest radio communications data provider, featuring a complete frequency database, trunked radio system information, and FCC license data. RadioReference is also the largest broadcaster of public safety live audio communications feeds, hosting thousands of live audio broadcasts of Police, Fire, EMS, Railroad, and aircraft communications.

L.A. County Regulation


The policy outlines guidelines for emergency responder radio coverage systems in Los Angeles County, covering their design, installation, operation, and maintenance. It also addresses the Department's procedures for evaluating the need for these systems, as well as the subsequent plan review, inspection, and permitting processes.

L.A. ICI System Model Regulation


The purpose of the LA ICI System Model Regulation is to establish a consistent standard for the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of Emergency Responder Radio Communications Systems (ERRCS).

Orange County, CA Fire Authority CA The Planning and Development Services section of the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) interacts with developers, architects, and engineers to meet fire protection and life-safety requirements for buildings and developments constructed in the jurisdictions served by OCFA by evaluating these projects through the plan review and inspection process.
Orange County Sheriff’s Department Technology Division CA

BDA ‐ Implementation Guidelines & Support

The Orange County Sheriff’s Department, Communications and Technology Division is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Countywide Coordinated Communications System (CCCS) 800MHz Simulcast P‐25 trunked radio system. As the license custodian, the department issues authorization for all radio transmitters communicating through this system in accordance with FCC regulation CFR 47 Part 90. This includes all In‐Building Emergency Responder Radio Communications Systems (e.g. ERRCS, ERCES or BDA systems).

Broward County, FL Code Appeals Web Page


Broward County FL Code Appeals

The Board of Rules & Appeals first met on January 10, 1971. On March 9, 1976, the voters of Broward County recognized the need for a single autonomous agency to write, modify, and interpret a uniform body of building codes applicable throughout the County. The County Charter was amended, as proposed by the Charter Review Commission, to establish the Broward County Board of Rules and Appeals as an arm of county government.

Broward County, FL


Broward County Two-Way Radio Communications Enhancement Systems Guidelines.

Broward County, FL


Regional Emergency Services and Communications Technology Division. Emergency Responder Communication Enhancement System (ERCES) Guidelines.

Miami-Dade Fire Rescue FL Two-Way Radio Communications Enhancement Systems Form Based on NFPA 1221 2016 Ed, Florida Fire Prevention Code - Seventh Edition. Plans shall be submitted for approval prior to installation. Have this form accompany your plans during submittal. All items below shall be identified on your plans by way of drawings, notes or both.
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue FL Fire Rescue Permit Forms & Checklists
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue
Two-Way Radio Communications Enhancement Systems BDA Installation and Testing
FL NFPA 1221: 9.6.6 Approval and Permit. Plans shall be submitted for approval prior to installation. At the conclusion of successful acceptance testing, a renewable permit shall be issued for the “Public Safety Radio Enhancement System” where required by the authority having jurisdiction.
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue
Fire Prevention Division New Construction Inspections Bureau
FL NFPA 1:11.10, requires the minimum radio signal strength for fire department communications to be maintained at a level determined by Miami-Dade Fire Rescue.
An assessment will be conducted by the owner’s representative or general contractor (GC) to determine if the minimum radio signal strength for fire department communication in the occupancy is in compliance, in accordance with NFPA 1:11.10.1 and NFPA 1221: 9.6.
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue
Sec. 14-69. - In-Building Public Safety Two-Way Radio Communication Enhancement Systems.
FL Where required by the Florida Fire Prevention Code, the rules and regulations of the State Fire Marshal or any fire safety standard of a municipality more stringent than any of the foregoing, or when an in-building public safety two-way radio communication enhancement system is voluntarily installed, it will be installed, inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with the policies, procedures and specifications of the Chief Fire Official.
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue
2023 Florida Statutes
FL The authority having jurisdiction shall determine the minimum radio signal strength for fire department communications in all new and existing buildings. Two-way radio communication enhancement systems or equivalent systems may be used to comply with the minimum radio signal strength requirements. However, two-way radio communication enhancement systems or equivalent systems are not required in apartment buildings 75 feet or less in height that are constructed using wood framing, provided that the building has less than 150 dwelling units and that all dwelling units discharge to the exterior or to a corridor that leads directly to an exit as defined by the Florida Building Code...
Miami-Dade County, FL
ITD Radio Division General Guidelines for the Deployment of In-Building Radio Coverage Solutions
FL The following document should be presented to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) to confirm that there are no discrepancies with any local ordinance or code. In case of discrepancies, the local ordinance or code will prevail unless the AHJ decides differently. Specifically in Miami-Dade County, the AHJ is the Fire Marshal’s Office. Please contact this agency for details and requirements about DAS deployments.
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue FL Typical Antenna Installation Diagram
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue
450 MHZ System Commissioning Form
FL This form must be completed by the vendor who installed the DAS system and delivered at the acceptance inspection.
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue
800 MHZ System Commissioning Form
FL The authority having jurisdiction shall determine the minimum radio signal strength for fire department communications in all new and existing buildings. Two-way radio communication enhancement systems or equivalent systems may be used to comply with the minimum radio signal strength requirements. However, two-way radio communication enhancement systems or equivalent systems are not required in apartment buildings 75 feet or less in height that are constructed using wood framing, provided that the building has less than 150 dwelling units and that all dwelling units discharge to the exterior or to a corridor that leads directly to an exit as defined by the Florida Building Code...
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue
Two-Way Radio Communications Enhancement Systems, BDA Installation, Testing and Inspection Checklist
NFPA 1 & 101 (2021 Version): Fire Code and Life Safety Code
NFPA 72 (2019 Version): National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code
NFPA 1221 (2019 Version): Standards for the Installation, Maintenance, and Use of Emergency Services Communications Systems
Miami-Dade County Code of Ordinances:
Chapter 14- Fire Prevention, Sec. 14-69. In-Building Public Safety Two-Way Radio Communication Enhancement Systems
Florida Administrative Code: Chapter 69A-48: Fire Standards for Fire Alarm Systems
Florida State Statutes: Title XXXVII, Insurance - Chapter 633 (18), Fire Prevention and Safety
Miami-Dade Fire Prevention Division General Guidelines for the Deployment of Two-Way Radio Communication Enhancement System (BDAs)


This document is a guideline for contractors to use and understand the process for radio inspections, plan reviews, and radio systems deployment. When starting any project in Miami-Dade County (MDC), it is recommended to email to find out if any changes have been made.

Anne Arundel County, MD In-Building Public Safety Radio Coverage Requirements


Anne Arundel County, Maryland has adopted NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code,2013 Edition (NFPA72-2013) as its Fire Alarm Code and the International Building Code, 2015 Version (IBC 2015) as its Building Code. NFPA72-2013 Chapter 24 includes requirements for “Two-Way Radio Communications Enhancement Systems” and the IBC 2015 section 915 provides Emergency Responder Radio Coverage requirements.

OH Retreansmission Authorization

State of Ohio MARCS Program Office Bi-Directional Amplifier (BDA) Policy


This policy outlines requirements and procedures to be followed to install and use a BDA to amplify frequencies used on the State of Ohio MARCS system. It refers to FCC rules, and the Ohio Fire Code. Any customer or vendor installing a BDA on the MARCS system should also refer to the FCC rules, Fire Codes, and local building codes to ensure compliance.

NTIA Report:

In-Building Radio Enhancement
Systems for Public Safety

z-all 2011: NTIA Technical Report TR-11-480

Keywords: Bi-directional amplifiers; building attenuation; distributed antenna system; inbuilding radio enhancement system; land mobile radio; link budget; public safety radio; radio-wave propagation

Elk Grove City, CA CA ORDINANCE NO. 28-2010 - Including 17.04.110 Public Safety 800Mhz Radio Building Amplification System.
Communications on Future High Rises Radio Wave Study NY Field consultant (Altech Electronics) is strongly recommending that all future high rises have a radio wave study performed during the design phase. They state the approximate cost at about $30,000. They also show on at least 360 Huguenot that $60,000 in core drilling would have been prevented if this was done up front and conduit had been placed during the pours.
City of Philadelphia Emergency Responder Radio Coverage System PA An Emergency Responder Radio Coverage System (ERRCS) is required in accordance with the direction set forth by the Philadelphia Fire Department and Department of Licenses and Inspections in Code Bulletin F-1602.
White Paper:

Improving In-building Radio Communications
for First Responders


White Paper: Improving In-building Radio Communications
for First Responders - July 2018

Table of Contents

  • Preface.
  • Executive Summary 3
  • Discussion
  • Policy for the Use of 700 Mhz Spectrum for Public Safety Applications
  • Challenges With Emergency Radio Signal Coverage Inside New or Large Dense Buildings
  • Achieving Acceptable Radio Coverage Inside Buildings
  • Additional Comments Regarding BBD vs Vehicle Repeaters
  • Existing Bylaws: Case Study, History and Purpose
  • Work Flow for Municipalities to Facilitate BDA Installation
  • General Physical Requirements for a BDA System
  • Installation, Testing and Final Permitting
  • Conclusion
  • Author Biographical Information
  • Appendix A – Sample Bylaw
  • Appendix B – Description Of BDA/DAS Components

U.S. Fire Administration
Voice Radio
Communications Guide
for the Fire Service


The fire service operates in unique and
challenging environments. The fire service
recognizes the significance and importance of
radio communications. The radio is the lifeline
for firefighters in trouble. Use of the mayday term
signifies the importance of the radio by using an
internationally recognized term when in distress

Firefighters and Asbestos Exposure z-all

Firefighters face uniquely extreme asbestos exposure risks, and as a result, they suffer an elevated rate of asbestos-related diseases such as mesothelioma. Many organizations support firefighters with occupational cancer and work to prevent toxic exposure in the future.
View the Firefighters and Asbestos Exposure Guide

City of Phoenix, AZ AZ

Explanatory Policy – Emergency Responder Radio Coverage

City of Phoenix, AZ AZ


Long Beach ERRC Requirements CA


This policy shall apply to all buildings in the City of Long Beach, excepted as those noted below. The California Fire Code (CFC), Section 510 requires that all buildings be provided with radio enhancement systems designed to provide radio coverage in all areas of buildings where signal strength does not meet the minimum criteria due to building construction and/or location.

Rules and Regulations for the State Minimum Fire Safety Standards GA


CHAPTER 120-3-3


Section: 120-3-3-.04 (176) Adoption of NFPA 1225 2022 Edition

Puget Sound Emergency Radio Network (PSERN) WA Create an account on PSERN’s ticketing portal for DAS vendor resources including:
  • Rebroadcast Agreement
  • DAS Design Approval Guide
  • DAS Activation Plan
  • DAS Validation Checklist
  • Frequencies and Donor Sites