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Safer Buildings Coalition Introduces New Individual Consultant Membership Tier

SBC Logo

Posted on December 21, 2020

We are very pleased to announce that the Safer Buildings Coalition has created a new membership tier: Individual Consultant.

Here are all the details about Safer Buildings Coalition membership as an Individual Consultant.

Why did we create this new tier?
We recognized that sole / individual consultants have different business needs than small businesses with staff. We created a scaled-down member tier that allowed us to right-size the membership benefits and  reduce costs for these individuals.


Safer Buildings Coalition WORK GROUP ROUNDUP - December 2020 

Please watch this month's video updates from the Chairs of the Safer Buildings Coalition’s five work groups on their group’s activities, achievements and needs.

Click on the links or images to watch the video messages below:


No Noise! Safer Buildings Coalition Affirms FCC Rules for Signal Boosters - Issues Call to Action

SBC Logo

Posted on December 21, 2020
SBC calls for a cross-functional effort to address public safety radio interference

ROSEBURG, Ore.Dec. 21, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The Safer Buildings Coalition ("SBC" –, an independent non-profit organization focused on eliminating in-building "Wireless Dead Zones", calls for the immediate convening of a task force to address public safety radio interference caused by the improper use of Signal Boosters commonly deployed to remediate poor in-building public safety and commercial wireless coverage. The details of this call to action are documented in a position paper entitled "No Noise". 


Seth Buechley: Seven Essentials for a Successful Business Alliance 

Seth Buechley

Posted on November 24, 2020

Safer Buildings Coalition Founder Seth Buechley explains the importance of strategic alliances, and offers Seven Essentials for pursuing and creating a successful alliance out in the marketplace.


From the Chief’s Corner: Let’s Talk Turkey...

Chief Perdue Thanksgiving

Posted on November 24, 2020

With Thanksgiving upon us, I decided to let the upcoming holiday inspire this month’s column… So, let’s talk turkey! I’m sure many of you have either heard or used the phrase at one time of another. But have you ever thought about its origin or real meaning?


A Message From the President: How SBC’s Three Pillars Can Help You Grow Your Business

Eric Toenjes

Posted on November 24, 2020

In this month’s message from the Safer Buildings Coalition President, Eric Toenjes, Graybar, discusses SBC's Three Pillars Of In-Building Public Safety Communications, and how they can help you grow your business.


Doing Well While Doing Good – Meet 3Strands Global Foundation

3Strands Global Foundation

Posted on November 24, 2020

Led by Laurie Caruso, CEO of Safe-Fi Technologies and Chair of the Community Affairs work group, Safer Buildings Coalition works closely with a number of organizations across the country to raise awareness about important causes and further the Safer Buildings Coalition mission. One of these organizations is 3Strands Global Foundation (3SGF) with which SBC works to combat human trafficking.


Thank You to All Who Attended the 2020 In-Building Forum

IBF Banner

Posted on November 24, 2020

Last week, IWCE & SBC hosted the inaugural Virtual In-Building Forum. Over two busy days, #IBFVirtual attendees were treated to a presentations and roundtables from some of the brightest and visionary minds in the industry.  To everyone who attended: Thank you for your participation, interaction and enthusiasm.


You Are Invited to the Tessco-SBC Public Safety DAS Event

IBF Banner

Posted on November 24, 2020

Two down, two to go. That’s where we are with the Tessco-Safer Buildings Coalition Public Safety DAS series, which has been a huge success thus far. Earlier this month, we hosted the Western US event, and in September, we kicked things off with the Southeast region. Up next: 

Northeast– December 1-2, 2020
Central– January 5-6, 2021


Safer Buildings Coalition WORK GROUP ROUNDUP - November 2020 

Please watch this month's video updates from the Chairs of the Safer Buildings Coalition’s five work groups on their group’s activities, achievements and needs.

Click on the links or images to watch the video messages below:


Sign up for NEDAS' Virtual Holiday Fiesta Today!


Posted on November 24, 2020

Join our friends at NEDAS for a fun-filled holiday fiesta - virtually

The NEDAS virtual holiday fiesta will be like no other event they've hosted - ever! In addition to their usual networking and prizes, there'll be a special 'show' lined up for you. The event will feature a comedian, Don McMillan - a professional corporate funny man with an Electrical Engineering degree. Not only is this comedian funny, he knows what we do and will no doubt find the humor in it for us. And, perhaps a little poking fun at our community all at the same time.

This is just one fun and exciting surprise we have for you. So don't delay and sign up today! Spots are limited and we are expecting to be 'Sold Out!

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