SBC Board At-Large Candidate: Ren Buckland
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Ren Buckland Chief Operating Officer Connected Technologies, LLC
Ren Buckland Resume
Position Sought: At Large
Candidate Statement: I am excited to run for the position of Vice President of the Safer Buildings Coalition. With over 25 years of experience in managing IT operations, strategic planning, and business development, I have demonstrated leadership and commitment to operational excellence. As the Chief Operating Officer of Connected Technologies LLC, I have successfully overseen daily operations, led cross-functional teams, and implemented innovative technologies to support business objectives.
In my experience installing systems across multiple municipalities, I have seen the frustrations in communications between code compliance, authorities having jurisdictions, FCC license holders, building owners, permitting offices, and installers. I am committed to working for solutions for safer buildings, educating stakeholders, and enhancing efficient communications among all parties involved.
Bio: Coming Soon.